My Vision

My Why

My favourite Jillian Michael's quote is "We can tolerate any how if we have a why." My why is the driving force behind the goals I set and how I achieve them. A strong "why" rises above any excuse, makes you get up early and really pushes yourself to be the best version of you!

Life is busy, it is non-stop. I am a teacher and there are lots of extra-curricular activities that I take on because I love coaching and working on skills with the kids! However, I made a non-negotiable promise to myself that I still need to do things for me. Because I can only bring the best to my students and my job when I am feeling at my best. For me feeling my best means training! And this became my why, I am only at my best when I get in my daily fitness. This means that if I know I have meetings or report cards, I get up early to train. If it is 530pm and I am still at school I know that I need to wrap up my work to get to that 6o'clock spin class. From this why I reached for some more specific goals and signed up for races. First a half, then a marathon, then a triathlon. I always have a race in mind or a time goal that I want to meet because again these whys help me get up early or go and train after a long day at work. 

Beachbody programs are a key component to my success because I can workout from home while still pushing myself as if there was a trainer right in my apartment! Which means that if I cannot always make it to a class or want to work out in my pjs in the early morning I know that I can still schedule that important appointment to my day! Beachbody has not only helped my fitness but my nutrition and personal development. Challenge groups changed my life (more on that in the Challenge Group tab) and connected me with a community of people working towards their goals and defining their why! How inspiring! 

I want YOU to be a part of this too! Join the Beachbody community and discover that by surrounding yourself with like-minded, positive people you can achieve your dreams! Ask me how and we can work on defining and achieving your WHY!

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