Wednesday 30 July 2014


I have always needed to work on flexibility and balance and PiYo does just that plus strength and cardio intervals with no equipment! 

This program came at the perfect time, I was travelling visiting my family in different places so to do a program where all I needed was a small space and a DVD player was key! Plus I was going to compete in my first triathlon so I needed to stretch and lengthen and work on the small balance muscles!

This program also works a lot on the powerhouse, THE CORE but not just by doing the traditional exercises like crunches but more by with dynamic movements.  I am always SOAKED when I am done a work out and the sessions range from 25-45 min. Plus Chalene Johnson is FUNNY, I love her as a trainer she's motivating and I love her comments!

Here is the rundown on the what is included in the pack:

1) Align- shows you the fundamentals on how to get started right and performing the moves with proper form
2) Define: Lower Body- Getting "gorgie" (as Chalene would say) legs there are some static poses and dynamic poses as well
3) Define: Upper Body- This includes core and arms, there is a lot of tricep pushups working the back of the arm which I know I need to work on. Of course there are modifications to the moves because I can't yet perform some of the moves on my toes so it is a work in progress
4) Sweat- This is a 35 min session and offers more traditional PiYo moves which are unique to this program that you won't find anywhere else!
5) Core- Working on the powerhouse while working on everything else!
6) Buns- One of my FAVOURITES thought it was just going to be the glutes but turned out to be hamstrings, legs and the outer hip/glute to get that nice dent in your booty. I have to tell you I went for a bike a day after I did this workout and I really felt my outer butt which is what I want, that is a hard area to work on!
7) Strength Intervals- Great if you need a circuit cardio/strength style workout
8) Drench- The longest workout of the bunch, really tests your endurance and ability to hold some poses 

9) Sculpt- total body workout only 30 min!
10) There is a bonus hardcore on the floor workout which is also a core workout without leaving the mat!

Another BONUS is Turbo Fire low HIIT 20 which is a cardio interval workout too!

I am always working up a great sweat with these workouts and also learning some new moves such as: 
Crow Crouch (Tricep): Head tricep pushup while crouching then finishing with leg straight in the air
PiYo Pike: From the t-stand position, take the raised arm and curl it under your body lifting your hips into the air in a pike and crunching your abs.
PiYo Flip: One of the toughest moves. I could not for the life of me get this move at first, but after watching a break down of it on YouTube totally get it and find it fun! 
Beast: One all fours, lift your knees off the ground and hold in tabletop then tap with alternate arms to really get a burn!
Kick Thru: From the Beast, bring one leg through and kick it, rotating in that direction and lifting the opposite arm in the air.
-PiYo Push-up (inch worm to the group, Tricep Push-up x3, walk hands back to feet, Roll Up, Chair Squat)

Some of the YOGA POSES that are incorporated are:
-Child's Pose
-Tricep Push-up
-Chaturanga & Up Dog
-Down Dog
-Down Dog Split
Warrior Series
-Warrior 1
-Warrior 2
-Right Angle
-Flow (Warrior Series - Right Leg, Left Leg Leads)
-Tricep Push-up
-Warrior 3
-Half Moon

This program has been a great CHALLENGE for me! If this sounds like something you would like to do email me!


Friday 18 July 2014

Try a Tri

I am new to road biking, I had been spinning this winter and really got into it so I bought my first road bike this summer! I decided to set some goals, if I was going to invest in this equipment (cycling as I found out is an expensive sport, but I guess what sport isn't)

My Cannondale!!!

On July 12, 2014 I complete my first triathlon at Lac Delage in Quebec! I was already going there to see my family and was missing most of the races at home so I decided why not! I packed up my bike in a monstrous case and hauled it to the airport!

For me doing a triathlon was definitely out of my comfort zone. I have always been a swimmer but never in open water, and I had only been on my bike a handful of times, but the running I knew I had down! I signed up only weeks before the event because getting out of that comfort zone is only how you grow.

I really recommend signing up for a race while you are away because it keeps you training. It could have been so easy to laze around on my holiday but with that race in mind, I was going for morning runs and rides!

There is so much to triathlon training that I had no idea about before! Practicing faster transitions, breathing techniques for open water and even the way you lay out your gear is a science! There is so much that I learned along the way, thanks to youtube videos and with some help from my supporters around me!

I LOVED my experience and love the training too! When you are used to training for half and marathons it is so nice to have a spin or a cycle day in your training! Easier on the body too!
I also surprised myself and did much better than I thought with my times. It was funny because they have your race number and age painted on your calf and during the race it kept me motivated to pass people in my age category, that's just the competitive side of me!

Now that I hooked I'm chasing some better time goals. I will be posting some training gems that I find along the way in here so stay tuned!

Tropical Sunshine

Shakeology comes in many different flavours but because I cannot have dairy I get the chocolate vegan or the tropical vegan. You can ship alternate bags of flavours or get the individually wrapped combo packs!
Here is my recipe for the tropical vegan:
1 scoop of shakeology tropical vegan 
1 cup of frozen strawberries 
1 small orange peeled 
Water and viola! Tastes like you're sitting on a beach! 

Thursday 17 July 2014

Red Velvet Shakeology

Yes this shake taste exactly like the cupcake but has amazing nutritional benefits!

1 scoop of Chocolate shakeology, 1 beet peeled and chopped (trust me on this one), strawberries and I even added spinach for added greens! AMAZING! 

P.s the benefits of beets are unreal and it really isn't something that we eat much of.
Beets have nitrates which acts as a vasodilator in functioning skeletal muscle, increasing the size of blood vessels to allow more oxygen flow, the perfect superfood for training wouldn't you agree?