Thursday 21 August 2014

Protein Pancakes

Fuel up the morning right!
This is my FAVOURITE weekend brunch recipes

2 cups of egg whites
1 banana
1 scoop of chocolate shakeology
1/2 cup of oats
You can even add a handful of blueberries or some chocolate chips 

blend ingredients together and cook on a non-stick pan. Serve with peanut butter and honey.

Makes 4-6 pancakes

Protein Balls

Awesome snack that is easy to make not to mention cheaper and healthier than granola bars. Makes 20 and only 80 calories each! 
1 cup of nuts I used almonds
1 cup of oats 
-Grind oats and nuts together then add the read of the ingredients 
1/4 cup of cacao powder or carob
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 teaspoon of maca powder (great for an energy boost)
1 scoop of protein powder (chocolate shakeology works well)
2/3 cup almond butter
2-3 tablespoons almond milk to help hold it together.
-And voila roll them up. No need for added syrups or sweeteners it is mighty tasty the way it is!
You can also roll them in shredded coconut too.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

Day 3 of the refresh

Day 3 is finally here! But it really wasn't bad! I was eating lots of veggies with hummus and avocado- mm my favourite!

And the vanilla refresh I loved because I blended it up with half a banana and lots of ice to make it frothy! 

I had to have some meals on the go because that is life! If you absolutely have to eat at a restaurant, which I did a garden salad worked well with some olive oil and lemon juice! All is possible if you ask! 

This program really made me realize how much we seek comfort foods and how much better I feel without it! It was also good to be more aware of how much processed food we eat. It's really all around us and easy to choose. This program helped me go back to the basics; fruits, veggies, nuts and healthy fats. 

It was really well laid out. All that was required was some preparation even if that means some containers on the go and for the shakes, mixing with water. 

Something I noticed was that it is easy to mistake hunger for actually being thirsty! I was reaching lots for the water these 3 days instead of food and I found that water left me satisfied because I was thirsty in the first place! 

Apart from feeling good, tomorrow morning will be a weigh in to see some more exciting changes.

Bottom line, it is good to give our bodies a break from working through all of the processed food that we eat and get back to the clean side! 

Monday 18 August 2014

3 Day Refresh Day 1

Day 1 is complete and what did I eat?

My day started with PIYO sweat and lots of water!

Breakfast was shakeology with a handful of blueberries (shown in the glass)
I had some herbal tea instead of my usual coffee, there are some great varieties out there, love the selection!
Mid-morning was the fibre sweep which is not pictured, it tasted much better than I thought, there was a citrus taste to it! The fibre sweep is just mixed with water and drank quickly.
Lunch was the Vanilla Fresh shake with half a banana (shown in the right) and peppers with 2 Tbs of avocado
For an afternoon snack I had carrots and hummus

Dinner was a veggie stir fry with ginger and garlic and the Vanilla Fresh shake

So far Day 1 is good, the shakes taste delicious as I expected since this product is from the creators of Shakeology (enough said :) ) and I am really focussing on drinking lots of water!

I am also making hibiscus lemonade since it is warm to drink tea all day and night! In that I added the hibiscus leaves and stevia to sweeten! I think this will definitely be my go-to for a sweet-tooth-kicking after dinner drink when I need something healthy!

Sunday 17 August 2014

3 Day Refresh Pre-Start

Making my lists and checking them twice! Getting all prepared for the refresh which starts tomorrow. Planning is key! I'll be bringing my food and shakes to work tomorrow! 

Here is my shopping list by category to get ready for the refresh:

Matchstick carrots ( to keep prep simple )
Green beans 
Baby tomatoes 
Fresh basil 


Lemon juice

Slivered almonds
Pumpkin seeds 

*Oils, spices and things that I already had 
Olive oil, coconut oil, almond butter, cumin, paprika, cayenne pepper, cinnamon. 

Tomorrow I will post "a day in the 3 day refresh" so that you can see what that looks like! 

Thursday 14 August 2014

The 3 Day Refresh

It is finally here and it came at the perfect time! You know when you have been on the road visiting family, going to bbqs, eating out and just feeling plain bloated!

The wonderful thing about this is that it is short and you still get to eat and of course enjoy those wonderful shakes! I know I can do this cleanse because I have done a 5 day juice cleanse where I didn't get to eat a thing, no solid food and that was tough! This way I still get to enjoy my shakeology every morning! 

In the package you will find:
*A program guide which will be your bible for te next 3 days 
*Shakeology packet to start your day with your dense nutrition shake with a fruit option 
*2 vanilla fresh packets for your mid morning snack and lunch with your fruit and veggie options 
*For dinner you have a meal to choose from from your program guide and a fibre sweep packet to help with the detoxification process 

The refresh starts Monday so stay tuned for meals and results! I'm so ready to feel lighter and healthier!