Thursday 11 September 2014

Goals pyramid

How do you to about achieving your goals? It can be a daunting task, you know what you want but how do you get there?

Bring on the power of the pyramid! 
This breaks down the long term result that you want into a manageable action plan! 

Start with your ultimate goal: what is the result that you want? To lose 25 pounds in 3 months, to run a 10km race or maybe a specific time goal for a race. 

Next your monthly goal: example, I will lose 8 pounds this month or I will be able to run for 30 min straight. 

The your weekly goal: I will exercise 4 times this week and eat only meals that I make at home. 

Finally your daily goals: today I will make sure to fuel my body with healthy snacks, I will take the stairs instead or I will do an extra 10 min ab circuit after my workout. 

Breaking your goals down really makes you more accountable for achieving them, it's not just some blurry picture in the distance. Plus you are getting a step closer each day and you are able to see the progress.  I keep a calendar just for my workouts so that I can set these goals an check it off each day! 

We all know that goals are important but it is equally important to have your goals work for you! Try this pyramid system!

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